'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'
Welcome at the website of the Party for Love Governance in the Netherlands
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- 1. Dr. Vernon Coleman a man after our hearts
- (News)
- photo from: https://biggeesblog.cymru/ A Dutch tribute in English to Dr. Vernon Coleman whose work is known all over the world. We honor him for his courageous unrelenting sharp and well spoken ...
- Created on 31 August 2021
- 2. Dr Vernon Coleman "Everything that Has Happened Was Meant to Happen
- (Videonews)
- Dr. Coleman's Bitchute channel with tons of good honest information: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/oIqNJgc4Q7Ry/ For more unbiased information, please visit http://www.vernoncoleman.com ...
- Created on 20 September 2020
- 3. COVID-19 Hoax - The Corona Crime of The Century
- (News)
- ... amplifying coronavirus fatalities" They Want to Kill Six Billion of Us - Here's How They'll Do It ! International best-selling author, Doctor Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, estimates that between ...
- Created on 22 June 2020