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- Published: Wednesday, 01 May 2013 15:49
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The Party for Love Governance in the Netherlands endorses the European referendum initiative and publishes their latest newsletter here below:
April 25, 2013
The European dream is in dire need of a reality check
The EU has lost the support of two thirds of its citizens, yet its leaders won't wake up. It's time for a sceptics' vision of Europe.
Read article in The Guardian (UK)
April 24, 2013
Crisis for Europe as trust hits record low
Poll in European Union's six biggest countries finds Euroscepticism is soaring amid bailouts and spending cuts
Public confidence in the European Union has fallen to historically low levels in the six biggest EU countries, raising fundamental questions about its democratic legitimacy more than three years into the union's worst ever crisis, new data shows.
Read article in The Guardian (UK)
Comment: With its credibility now at an all-time low, it is clear that no politician or party that continues to support the Brussels EU – an undemocratic construct built by ex-Nazis – can survive politically. As such, if the ‘European Idea’ is to survive in the 21st century, the ‘Brussels EU’ construct must be dismantled and replaced with a democratic structure – by the people and for the people. If you live in Europe, please add your name in support of the constitution for a “Europe for the People, by the People”. Proposed by survivors of Auschwitz, the focus of this unique document is the protection of the health and lives of European citizens from corporate interests whose multi-billion dollar profits derive from turning the human body into a marketplace. To learn more, click here.
April 19, 2013
Fraud of EU funds only a 'glimpse' of real figure, says report
A report by the UK house of lords' EU select committee says the EU's anti-fraud system has "a number of weaknesses". It also says that the amount of fraud acknowledged by the European commission at €404m "offers only a glimpse" of the levels of fraud perpetrated against the EU's budget.
April 14, 2013
EU pours millions into groups seeking state control of press
The European Union is quietly pouring millions of pounds into initiatives and groups seeking state-backed regulation of the press, including key allies of the controversial Hacked Off campaign.
Read article in the Daily Telegraph (UK)
April 14, 2013
Leading German economist calls for dissolution of eurozone to save EU
One of Germany's most eminent economists has called for the swift dissolution of the eurozone in its present form, arguing that the vision of a united Europe is in danger of imploding if debt-ridden countries are not shown the door.
Read article in The Guardian (UK)
April 10, 2013
You know it's bad when even a former EU commissioner calls for a eurozone break-up
Former Dutch Internal Market Commissioner Frits Bolkesten is best known for having authored the liberalising EU Services Directive (in its original form before some member states and the EP watered it down significantly) but from today he has another claim to fame - becoming the first former European Commissioner to publicly back a breakup of the euro.
Read blog entry at
Comment: Bolkesten has several other “claims to fame” that, we suspect, he would rather be forgotten. In 1996, for example, while working for the pharmaceutical giant Merck, Sharp & Dome (MSD), he became embroiled in a scandal when he tried to persuade Dutch minister Els Borst, in a personal letter, to have a cholesterol-lowering MSD-product, Cozaar, taken into the services covered by the Dutch medical insurance-companies. Notably, therefore, in January 1996, the Journal of the American Medical Association had issued a warning that all cholesterol-lowering medications (statins) used on the market at that time were carcinogenic. Seemingly, however, given his being employed by Merck, Sharp & Dome at the time, this was of little or no concern to Bolkesten.
April 8, 2013
Kohl confesses to euro's undemocratic beginnings
BERLIN - Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl - the architect of German reunification - admitted he would never have won a referendum on the adoption of the euro in his country and said he acted "like a dictator" to see the common currency introduced.
Read article at
Comment: After World War II, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries systematically groomed politicians for the highest offices of government. Notably, therefore, Helmut Kohl's first employer was BASF. Moreover, between 1959 and 1969, Kohl was a full-time lobbyist for the industry. Subsequently, he became chancellor of Germany for 16 years and the German pharmaceutical and chemical industry became the world’s leading exporter of chemical products, with subsidiaries in over 150 countries – even more than IG Farben ever had.
April 7, 2013
UK support for EU membership is wafer-thin David Cameron says, ahead of crunch talks with European leaders
UK support for EU membership is wafer-thin David Cameron says, ahead of crunch talks with European leaders
Read article in the Daily Mail (UK)
April 2, 2013
Unemployment in Euro Zone Reaches a Record 12%
While the euro zone has been transfixed lately by the Cyprus meltdown, another and potentially bigger European crisis has continued to simmer: record-high unemployment.
Read article in the New York Times (USA)
Comment: In some eurozone countries, the unemployment situation is becoming desperate. In Greece and Spain, for example, the overall rate now exceeds 26 percent. Among Greek youth the figure is even higher, at a staggering 58.4 percent. In this situation, the people of Europe should no longer believe any politician who promises freedom from economic pressures by subjecting them to financial conditions imposed by the Brussels EU. Rather than enabling them to preserve the dignity of their countries, and initiate financial recovery, the exact opposite has repeatedly been proven to be the case. Cyprus, Greece, Spain and the other eurozone countries therefore need to break the enslaving chains of the euro currency and re-introduce their own national currencies. Whilst it will not be possible to immediately repair the extensive financial and social damage caused by the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel and its dictatorial Brussels politburo, with their national currencies, at least, the people in these countries will have the chance to preserve their independence and dignity by their own endeavours.
March 29, 2013
Criminal Act: The European Union’s Financial Looting of Cyprus
The bailout imposed on Cyprus by the European Union (EU) is a politically criminal act of financial looting, aimed at destroying the country’s banks and reducing the working class to penury.
Read article on the Centre for Research on Globalization website
March 26, 2013
Polish referendum could crush euro bid after PM gives way
Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk opened the door on Tuesday to a popular vote on joining the euro, with surveys showing most of the country's 38 million population would vote no.
March 22, 2013
EU anti-fraud office accused of cover-up in Dalli affair
BRUSSELS - The EU anti-fraud office, Olaf, has been accused of telling a key witness in the "Dalligate" affair to lie and of illegally listening in on people's phones.
Read article at
Comment: In October 2012, Brussels EU Commissioner John Dalli – whose brief included issues such as food safety and pharmaceuticals – resigned in disgrace after being cited in a tobacco-linked fraud probe. Barely a couple of days later, a Swedish tobacco producer alleged it had been offered the opportunity to pay a 60 million euro bribeto a Maltese businessman with links to Dalli as a means of thwarting proposed legislation intended to restrict tobacco sales. Almost simultaneous with this, mysterious thefts took place in Brussels in which laptops and documents were stolen containing evidence supporting the regulations. Now, given the serious questions being raised about the Brussels EU and its relationships with corporate interests, the apparent involvement of its so-called “anti-fraud office” in the Dalligate affair clearly brings the construct’s public credibility to an all-time low.
March 22, 2013
Olaf accused of 'illegal wire tapping' in its fraud investigations
The EU anti-fraud agency Olaf has been accused of "serious irregularities" in the way it carries out its investigations. The agency is said to have engaged in "illegal" wire tapping and taping telephone conversations without prior agreement of the recipient.
Read article at
Comment:The Oil and Drug Cartel’s design for the Brussels EU was closely based upon the blueprint published in 1941 by Arno Sölter, the head of the official Nazi “Central Research Institute for National Economic Order and Greater Sphere Economy.” Perhaps not surprisingly, therefore, the basic strategies being used to enforce the Brussels EU dictatorship – which amount to the creation of a European surveillance state – are directly descended from those used by the Nazis following the adoption of the Cartel’s Enabling Act by the German Parliament in 1933. To learn more, read chapter 5 of our book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”.
March 19, 2013
Fury in Cyprus as banks try to snatch savings
People in southern Cyprus woke last Saturday to news that money would be lifted from their bank accounts to pay for a bailout of the country’s two biggest banks. They were furious. The “solidarity levy” was to take around 10 percent out of accounts containing over £85,000 and almost 7 percent for those with less. It followed weeks of political grandstanding against Russian oligarchs. But the worst damage will be done to the finances of ordinary people.
Read article on the Socialist Worker Online website (UK)
Comment: As with their counterparts in other European countries, the people of Cyprus are increasingly waking up to the shocking reality behind the Brussels EU and its so-called “euro” currency. In short: The Brussels EU, of which Cyprus is a member state, is nothing other than a third attempt by the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel to subjugate the whole of Europe and impose financial dictatorship upon it. When the political agents of the cartel speak of “democracy” what they really mean is dictatorship. When they speak of “prosperity” they do not mean general prosperity but the profits of the chemical, pharmaceutical and oil cartel and the banks. And when they speak of safeguarding peace in Europe they are already setting about consolidating their goal of world dominion by means of military sorties in several continents. Now that these fraudulent plans are revealed for all to see, it is only a question of time before the world’s people hold to account those responsible for them. You can learn more about the Brussels EU by reading our book on its origins.
March 10, 2013
Germany's anti-euro party is a nasty shock for Angela Merkel
Political revolt against the euro construct has spread to Germany. A new party led by economists, jurists, and Christian Democrat rebels will kick off this week, calling for the break-up of monetary union before it can do any more damage.
Read article in the Daily Telegraph (UK)
Comment: Comment: With a poll already suggesting one in four Germans would be ready to vote in September's federal election for a party that wants to quit the euro, the Brussels EU can no longer deceive the people of Germany and Europe with slogans such as “If the euro collapses, Europe collapses with it”! The Brussels EU model for Europe is paved with the corpses of almost a hundred million victims of two world wars, slaughtered during former attempts by the Oil and Drug Cartel to gain dominion over Europe and the world. In this respect, the euro currency fulfils only one function: as chains enslaving millions of Europeans to the Cartel’s economic dictatorship. The eurozone countries therefore need to break the enslaving chains of the euro currency and re-introduce their own national currencies as a matter or priority. Each day longer that they allow themselves to go on being blackmailed by the Brussels EU becomes another obstacle on their road to independence, financial recovery and social peace.
February 27, 2013
Greece and Spain helped postwar Germany recover. Spot the difference
Sixty years ago, half of German war debts were cancelled to build its economy. Yet today, debt is destroying those creditors.
Read article in the Guardian (UK)
February 18, 2013
Poll shows half of Brits would vote to leave the EU
Only one in three Britons would vote for the UK to remain part of the EU, according to a poll by Harris Interactive for the Financial Times. Given an in-out referendum on EU membership tomorrow, 50% would vote “out” against 33% “in” and 17% who would not vote either way, according to the poll.
Read article at
February 14, 2013
European Parliament committees threaten wholesale destruction of privacy and data protection rights
Just over a year ago, vitally important reforms to European privacy and data protection laws were proposed. Now these reforms, which will affect the rights of half a billion Europeans, are being watered down in their passage through various European parliamentary committees as MEPs succumb to an unprecedented industry lobbying onslaught. There is now irrefutable evidence of the impact of this lobbying, thanks to a technology-powered research method comparing corporate lobby documents with the amendments to the draft legislation tabled by individual MEPs.
February 4, 2013
EU Ombudsman's decision deepens ECB unaccountability
In a decision published today, following a complaint filed by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), the EU Ombudsman concludes that the European Central Bank's (ECB) President Mario Draghi's membership of the lobby Group of Thirty does not violate the ethics rules of the ECB. Corporate Europe Observatory warns that this decision risks consolidating and even deepening the lack of accountability of the ECB. In its complaint, CEO stressed that the Group of Thirty (G30) is not a neutral think tank, as the European Central Bank (ECB) claims, but has served as an important tool for big private banks such as Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase to defend their interests. It played a major role in creating a climate of 'hands-off' regulation that led to the financial disaster in 2008.
Read press release on the Corporate Europe Observatory website
February 4, 2013
EU parliament president in 'dire' warning over EU's future
Deutsche Welle says European parliament president Martin Schulz has offered a 'dire' warning over the state of the EU. In an interview published in Monday's edition of Bonn's General Anzeiger newspaper, German MEP Schulz warned that the EU's very survival was "under threat", adding that it had lost a great deal of public support. "When people turn away from a project or an idea, then at some point it will come to an end," Schulz said.
Comment:With newspapers such as the International Herald Tribune, De Telegraaf in the Netherlands and the National in Romania having already carried the message of our book and, in so doing, torn apart the veil of deceit behind which the Brussels EU has been built, it is particularly notable that Schulz has now publicly admitted that the construct’s survival is under threat. Ultimately, the Brussels EU needs to be publicly rejected by the people,dismantled and eventually replaced by a truly democratic system of representation: a Europe of the people, by the people and for the people.
February 1, 2013
Commission keeps big business in the driving seat: deadline for reform ignored
The European Commission promised MEPs in September 2012 that it would rebalance its advisory 'expert groups', putting an end to the dominance of big business interests. DG Enterprise even set a date: 31 January 2013. However, a short investigation by ALTER-EU shows the Commission has missed its deadline, and in some cases groups have become even more industry dominated.
Read blog entry on the Corporate Europe Observatory website
January 30, 2013
The War on Media Freedom: Undermining the Independent Alternative Online Media, EU to “Regulate” Internet Search Engines
A new report written for the European Commission recommends regulation of internet news, modifying search engines to control access to “conspiracy sites”, the creation of European government news agencies and the training of new “cadres of professional journalists… for… science, technology, finance or medicine”. The report also urges EU politicians and leaders of EU institutions to give regular news conferences, to emerge from the shadows and take centre stage as the real leaders of Europe.
Read article on the Centre for Research on Globalization website
Comment: With even the President of the Brussels EU parliament now publicly admitting that the construct’s survival is under threat, the Oil and Drug Cartel’s Politburo is clearly taking one desperate step after another trying to save it. As such, this latest report should be seen in the context of other intrusive and dictatorial Brussels EU initiatives such as the INDECT project, which monitors and processes what the construct describes as “abnormal” behaviour”. To learn more about the ‘Big Brother’ ways in which the Brussels EU dictatorship is being enforced in Europe, read Chapter 5 of our book on “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU".
January 27, 2013
Berlusconi defends Mussolini at Holocaust event
ROME — Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been condemned by Jewish groups after he defended fascist dictator Benito Mussolini at an event commemorating victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Speaking on Sunday on the sidelines of an event in Milan marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Berlusconi also defended the Italian wartime dictator's decision to ally with Adolf Hitler.
Read article in the Los Angeles Times (USA)
Comment: In our book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, we describe how Berlusconi is known to have been a member of a Nazi-linked masonic lodge known as “Propaganda Due” or P-2. Notably, therefore, Licio Gelli, P-2’s former grandmaster, was jailed in 1998 for corruption and fraud in connection with the Banco Ambrosiano scandaland has been openly described by the New York Times as “a known Fascist.” Some sources, including the New Zealand Herald and The Observer newspaper in the UK, have alleged links between P-2 and state terrorism. Others, such as the BBC, point to connections with the Mafia. Condemned by a Milan court in 2012 as a man with a "natural capacity for crime", over the years Berlusconi has been involved in more than a dozen different criminal trials, appeals and other investigations and faced accusations of fraud, bribery, illegal political financing, false accounting and Mafia connections.
January 23, 2013
UK EU Referendum: David Cameron Promises In-Out Vote In 2015
Prime Minister David Cameron promised on Wednesday to give Britons a referendum choice on whether to stay in the European Union or leave if he wins an election in 2015, placing a question mark over Britain's membership for years.
Read Reuters news report on the Huffington Post website
Comment: Despite well over half of British voters now wanting to leave the Brussels EU, Cameron still insisted in his speech that he wants Britain to remain in the undemocratic construct. In this respect, it is particularly notable that, in the past, whilst Cameron similarly once pledged to hold a referendum on the dictatorial Lisbon Treaty, he subsequently broke his promise and did not allow the British people to vote on it. As such, anyone blindly assuming that he can be trusted to deliver on this latest “promise” would be best advised not to hold their breath.
January 23, 2013
New EU report condemned as 'attack' on press freedom
A new report which urges tight press regulation has been condemned as an "attack on media freedom". A "high level" EU panel, that includes Latvia's former president and a former German justice minister, was ordered by European commission vice-president for the digital agenda Neelie Kroes last year to report on "media freedom and pluralism". It has concluded that it is time to introduce new rules to rein in the press.Comment: In an ideal world, the mass media would be a completely reliable and impartial source of news and reports, and, in accessing it, citizens could be confident that they were always consulting fully independent providers of information. For the most part, however, and even without the implementation of this report’s draconian recommendations, the reality is that Big Media is already far from being an ally in the campaign for vitamin freedom. To learn more, click here.
January 15, 2013
European Commission defends privileged access for 'big business'
How can documents that the European Commission has already shared with the business community at large suddenly become confidential when a public interest group asks for their disclosure - asks campaigner.
January 12, 2013
Britain will leave the EU if it does not change, Osborne warns as battle with Brussels escalates
The European Union must change if Britain is to remain a member, George Osborne warned yesterday. In a stark ultimatum, the Chancellor suggested Britain would quit the EU unless Brussels agreed to major reforms, including the repatriation of a string of powers to the UK.
Read article in the Daily Mail (UK)
Comment: The ‘Brussels EU’ is a dictatorial structure serving global corporate interests that are – once again – threatening the lives of hundreds of millions of people across Europe. Moreover, unless European citizens act now, this structure will remain in place for generations to come and will subjugate the entire world under its control. Due to its fundamentally undemocratic structure – with the EU Commission holding all executive power and the EU Parliament serving merely as a fig leaf – the construct of the ‘Brussels EU’ is not reformable. It therefore needs to be publicly rejected by the people, dismantled and eventually replaced by a truly democratic system of representation: a Europe of the people, by the people and for the people.