'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'

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Article Index


By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

A follow up of the Fall of the Cabal documentary

 Part 10 to 28 republished: Who is the Cabal? In this series, the Cabal will be fully exposed. As time is running out, This Sequel is not about Q, nor Trump. It is about the Cabal. It will give you info that will blow you off your socks. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, all of which under your nose...

Watch Part 1 to 9 here  


Part 10: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s investments in Big Pharma companies and some of the worst polluters in the world (like Bayer/Monsanto) are overshadowed by their interest in companies that sell products on-line. We’ll show you Gates’ involvement in pedophilia and child trafficking, his close friendship with convicted child-abuser Epstein, his visits to Epstein-Island, and his massive financial support of webshops that sell Adrenochrome and items that refer to missing children through strange codes. Mister Nice turns out not to be so nice after all... 



Part 11: Further exposure of Bill Gates, being involved in some of the most polluting companies in the world. Bill Gates and his foundation invest in some of the most criticized companies in the world for involvement in human rights abuses, labor abuses, environmental abuses, tax avoidance, and the amount of carbon held in their reserves. Everything he does goes against his own preaching about sustainability and the human carbon footprint. GAVI, the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, AGRA… evil players steered by the Gates Foundation in order to exploit the people and to depopulate the planet. Time to expose and to redefine Philanthropy! 



Part 12: The ultimate weapon of Bill Gates: Gene Drive Technology / Synthetic Biology. A curse or a blessing? More biological warfare in this episode! A frightening cooperation between the Gates Foundation and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to deploy Gene Drive Technology, better known as Extinction Technology. A means to make entire species or races go extinct. Used in vaccines and now… to mimic meat! Let’s introduce Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods and their delicious alternatives for vegetarians and vegans.



Part 13:  Final exposure of Bill Gates. His last evil scheme in the lime-lights.. Bill Gates uses laws and regulations to avoid tax. His foundation launders money at a scale the world has not seen before. How is it possible that he presents himself as the world’s greatest philanthropist, giving away billions of dollars each year, yet ending up getting richer and richer and richer? Did you know that, in the end, it’s We-The-Taxpayers that pay for all his projects? Do you realize that, in fact, we pay for our own Depopulation?



Part 14: The Era of Depopulation… The true story behind HIV/AIDS and the Spanish Flu. The New World Order’s main focus is complete world dominance. Population control, better known as Depopulation, is the UN’s tool to annihilate the majority of the masses, so that no more than 500 million people are left on the face of earth. A neat number, easy to control, dominate and subjugate. How are we, the people, being attacked in the name of population control? By means of 10 different Extinction Tools. Let’s take a look at the first 4: wars, (natural?) disasters, famine & drought, and plagues & diseases…



Part 15: The Era of Depopulation… About our poisoned food, water, and care products, about GMOs and Family Planning. The true story behind sex education and the LGBTQ movement. By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Let’s explore some more Extinction Tools! Number 5 on our list: Additives in food, water, beauty, care & cleaning products. You’ll be shocked to see that by design, purposefully, our food and water have been poisoned with substances that cause cancer, infertility, and that destroy our nervous system. Think aspartame, fluoride, xenoestrogen, heavy metals, magnetic particles… Number 6 on our list: GMOs, notorious for causing cancer and destroying 



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