'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'

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Love Heals All Things 2 - The Urantia Papers

Sunset Skylge aug 2024

We  are finally reaching the End of the movie that we have been watching since 2015 when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the US presidential election of 2016. All patriots and Q followers and other awakened people know what we speak of. It took much longer than suspected in 2020, but then again we were warned that this whole proces was and still is an event driven process, which means that certain prerequisits must be met before the next move or phase of the plan can start, so timetables have often changed before the endgame, the final storm arrived.

My previous article with the same title ended with the words: "THE AGE OF AQUARIUS IS HERE AND NOW, LET US CREATE A GOLDEN AGE OF LIGHT AND LOVE, FOR DON'T YOU KNOW WE ARE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE SUPREME CREATOR AND HAVE UNLIMITED POTENTIAL TO MAKE OUR WORLD A BETTER PLACE.." Let's  explore some options to help manifest the Golden Age of Saint Germain, the ascended master who is the Divinely appointed  spiritual commander in chief and  'zeitgeist' for this age.

(watch Part 1of "Love heals all things" here )

Setting the record straight

Before we can start building the new world, which is not the New World Order of the Globalists, but the Golden Age of Aquarius and Saint Germain, we must set the record straight and recognize who are the true heroes and warriors that play a crucial role in saving our world from the dark satanic future that the Power Elite of this world tried to force upon us.

They, this cabal, want us to shut up and obey their demands.They want to take away all the unailenable rights God has given to all humanity, such as the right of free speech, the right to assemble whenever and where ever we want, and the  right of self determination for body mind and soul. They are so evil that they have kidnapped, abused,  tortured and killed millions of children worldwide for centuries, to satisfy their perverted sexuality and offer them to their satanic overlords.

The Truth and nothing but the Truth

In general as a child, you mostly do not question the Goodwill of others until the moment that you for instance become aware that you are deliberately deceived by someone else. Why is it that grown up people seem to have so much trust in worldly authorities?" Have they never been deceived or can they not see through the deception, because they have been deceived from birth on?

The enemy weakens and poisens the people from the cradle to the grave by means of pollution of the air (chemtrails), the water and the soil, the environment we live in and all of our 4 lower bodies, by food, electromagnetic and or radio active radiation, but also by poor education and low quality entertainment, music and movies,TV ( Tell a Vision), medicines and vaccines!

That is why there are always only few that will question and investigate authoritative claims themselves, instead of believing any authority. Those who are still capable to think, to listen to their own intuition and draw their own conclusions, those who never submit to false or corrupt authorities

These chosen ones will never comply with the corruption and lies and tiranny of governments, scientists, physicians, politicians or even family and friends.

I truly believe It is important for everybody to acknowledge these facts before we can continue together. Be aware and grateful for the continuing resistance of these heroes of our time, they played an important role in preventing the succes of the NWO plans of the power elite. Help them anyway you can, for they need our support to continue.

The Vindication of the Unvaccinated






Spanish Biologist & Filmmaker Fernando López-Mirones, Pays Tribute To The Keepers of Freedom, the unvaccinated!

Oct 05, 2022 “They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

"Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.People who have been capable of such personality, such courage and such critical ability undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.They are found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries and opinions.

They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks.They are the parents that every child wishes to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered horizons.

They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.They did what others couldn’t, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion.And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were alone.Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel.

They lost their jobs, they let their careers sink, they had no more money… but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals and humiliation… but they continued.

Never before in humanity has there been such a casting, we now know who the resisters are on planet Earth.Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything fell apart, collapsed.It’s you, you’ve passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and geniuses couldn’t pass.You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the dark.”

"Yes, it is you, the culmination of the spirit of the Homo sapiens indomitus."—Christian Blanchon, General, French Army

—Fernando López-Mirones, Spanish biologist and filmmaker.

Important note: Did you know that smoking some tobacco ( or better using nicotine patches)  is one of the best and simple antidotes against the covid symptoms? What stops the "covid virus" and "vaccine injuries dead in its tracks? NICOTINE. Yup...Now you know exactly why the agenda against NICOTINE has gone into overdrive. The VENOM attacks NICOTINE RECEPTOR SITES. NICOTINE IS AN IMPORTANT ANTIDOTE / MEDICINE AGAINST COVID19, LONG COVID and VACCINE DAMAGE as a result of COVID and probably FUTURE VACCINES. IT  IS ALSO AN IMPORTANT MEDICINE FOR ALZHEIMER, DEMENTIA, THIROID PROBLEMS, MEMORY FUNCTION PROBLEMS, LACK OF CONCENTRATION, CHRONIC STRESS, SCHIZOPHRENIA & MORE. WATCH: 

The Other "N" Word (Nicotine)     Watch this podcast!     More info on Dr. Ardis & Nicotine at Rumble


Now after given credit where credit is due, we continue healing the division in our collective mind with unconditional love.

Let us proceed to study the steps we need to take, to attain lasting World Peace.

5 Steps To Lasting World Peace- The Urantia Book

How can we achieve lasting world peace when there is war and destruction in the world? According to The Urantia Book, creating world peace is achievable if we follow the 5 steps in this video.


Introduction to The Urantia Book

One of the important things that you learn in life is to listen to your intuition. In my case, always looking for answers to the basic questions such as who am i?, where do i come from?, why am i here?, and where do i go?, made me a seeker for truth in books in the first half of my life. Soon i discovered that there was a knowing (gnosis) inside of me in my consciousness, that in the end decided the measure of Truth that a book represented for me.

This inner knowledge that i like to call "intuition" literally guided me to books and persons that were important to my quest. I discoverd The Urantia Book in 1990 and it gave so many answers that completed my esoteric studies in several mystery schools around the world.

The time is ripe to introduce this revelatory work to a greater audience of TRUTH seekers, for it contains much valuable information for those who are expanding their consciousness and also want to study the greater cosmic and universal developements and the evolution of human beings on Earth in the light of the Divine Creation. Also it is a wonderful book with lots of new information and viewpoints on the life and mission of our Lord Jesus Christ. So if you love Jesus, you should consider at least reading part 4. There are several possibilities to read the complete book online.

Urantia Book Intro: Universe Frames

"Every human being constructs a frame of reference within which to think. How do we learn new things and expand our frames of reference? This is a great introduction to The Urantia Book and the challenge to expand the frames of reference within which we live our daily lives." Thanks to Urantia Book Films for creating these lovely videos!

The Personal Universe- The Urantia Book

A wonderful introduction to The Urantia Book and its ontological perspective on being human. The foundations of reality are not energy, atoms and molecules but rather relationships between personalities. It is a personal universe!


 Roeland Solcer

To be continued

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