Election-Fraud in The Netherlands 2023
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- Category: News
- Published: Monday, 20 March 2023 19:43
- Hits: 4705
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Situation just after the March 15 elections March 2023:
Must see: Mike Adams , The Heallth Ranger interviews Michael Yon, who reports from The Netherlands on the FARM LAND GRAB fiasco going down
The topic "Election fraud is currently being strictly censored on FB, and other MSM outlets, and that is why we are posting the important information on our website again.
Main Stream Media has seized every opportunity to frame and demonize the real opposition party, "Forum for Democracy" and its leader Thierry Baudet over the past 3 years. The new strategy also includes deliberately remaining silent about anything that could put this movement in a positive light in the eyes of voters. Alternative media are now winning the war.
God Bless the Digital Warriors worldwide such as these excellent and brave initiatives:
"Police for Freedom""The first phase was successful. On March 15 and 16, some 1500 volunteers went to work to monitor the elections. Where a piece of information and organization is centrally provided. We are well aware that we are all building something completely new. Something for which no handbook has been written. We are therefore extremely proud that we can and must set this up together with you. The need for independent control has been clearly confirmed. It has been a busy period for everyone who is part of this project. A period that has already yielded a lot. But it's not done yet.
Our goal is above all to continue to use the power of the masses. We can all do this because of that mass, all of you. Not only people who have gone on the road, but everyone who supports this project, physically, mentally, close, far away, online or offline. What's next? The new phase that is now dawning is collecting and making an inventory of the masses of information gained and then finding a good way to make it transparent to everyone. That's a tall order, but we're going to succeed. The volunteers have since been emailed about this. Overall, the plan is to develop this phenomenon of 'control elections' into a permanent project around the elections. Trust is good, control is better.
Meer info: https://controle-verkiezingen.nl/"Stop World Control" sums it up:
Could it be that the Netherlands has become a banana republic, where the government cheats with the votes of the people? For many Dutch people it sounds unlikely. "This is not America!" some say indignantly. They are referring to the election fraud that recently took place in America. The sudden growth of the Forum of Democracy, which had an unprecedented rise of thousands of Dutch people throughout the country during their 'freedom caravans', is therefore an annoying development.
For the globalists, however, this is not a problem: the elections can easily be controlled. The difference between America and the Netherlands does not appear to be that big. After all, these globalists work in the same way in every country.
Following Rutte's example, Kaag wants to erode the individuality of the Netherlands even more, in favour of this globalist plan (source). To achieve their goal, they must make these two parties the largest in the Netherlands: VVD and D66. They are nothing but the local employees of the World Economic Forum. Insecure computer systems Many Dutch people think that election fraud in our country is more difficult, because everything is done on paper. What these people do not understand, however, is that all the data of the ballots is entered into a computer system.
D66 'controls' voting software Just before the elections, the election software was briefly 'checked' by HackDefense. Who owns that business? Mark Koek, a D66 group chairman (source) who hates FVD and Baudet, as evidenced by the tweet below:

According to the polls, Kaag had no chance, while Baudet is supported by millions of Dutch people who long for freedom. The results of the elections are therefore surreal: against all possibilities, Kaag has risen staggeringly, while the FVD scores disappointingly low. It should have been the opposite. What happened? We'll take a closer look at some things...
1. Unsafe computer systems
Many Dutch people think that election fraud in our country is more difficult, because everything is done on paper. What these people do not understand, however, is that all the data of the ballots is entered into a computer system.As various computer experts explain in the videos below: the software that processes the totals is programmed in such a way that it is ridiculously easy to defraud.
2. Notable Fraud
In the video below, Willem Engel, explains how remarkable fraud was detected in Haarlem, The Hague, Bonaire, Lelystad and Amsterdam.
✔︎ Large numbers of original voting lists were bizarrely rejected
✔︎ Several constituencies were not allocated
✔︎ Checking counting was thwarted
✔︎ Various lists that Engel submitted himself ended up in the wrong place
✔︎ Statements of support were wrongly rejected
See video
3. Ballot papers disappeared
In Rotterdam, 568 ballots disappeared. Think for a moment how big a single ballot is.... You don't just lose that, do you? (source)
4. Votes are eliminated
Voters complain on social media that they discovered that their vote for the FVD was not registered. When checked, their vote is nowhere to be found in the final results. unsecured ballot boxes From all over the country there are reports of ballot boxes that... were unsecured. There was no lock on it! Everyone had free access to the thousands of votes.
5. Unreliable postal votes introduced
Just as in America, voting by mail was now made possible for the first time in the Netherlands, a hotly contested method that opens up various possibilities for fraud. After all, much less identity verification is possible and it offers an untraceable possibility for changing ballot papers. Moreover, many thousands of postal votes turned out to be invalid (source).
6. Voting card for pastIn addition, hundreds of voting passes were issued for the deceased! (source) big difference The tables below show an abnormally large difference between the results of a polling station and the totals of the municipality. In the polling station, the FVD scored higher than the VVD and D66, but these two parties received many times more votes in the municipality than the FVD.
7. First names Forum for Democracy members omitted
It is also strange that the FVD is the only party whose first names were omitted on the ballot papers. Moreover, the candidates were not mentioned whether they were male or female. For all other parties, that important information was there. If they had tried to deliberately disadvantage the FVD, they would not have done it any other way.
8 Billboard signs FVD removed
In some Dutch municipalities, campaign signs for the FVD were even removed... by the municipality itself! The only party that is in favour of freedom and the preservation of our rights was deliberately sabotaged.