Video: Geo-engineering, climate change & chemtrails
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- Category: News
- Published: Thursday, 20 March 2014 20:22
- Hits: 12566
Dane Wigington
The world's current power elite, possessed and inspired by the spirit of antichrist, has long been engaged in a systematic coordinated plan to eliminate most of the world's population.
That plan has been in progress for 125 years. This has been announced on our websites in the past. The first and second world wars were part of this grand plan and the third planned world war has been going on since the death of J.F. Kennedy without many realizing it, because this battle is largely hidden from view, partly because it takes place on levels that the human senses cannot properly perceive. You can also say that the Second World War has never stopped, because what is going on in the world is a continuation of the old imperialist aspirations, not only of states, but increasingly in connection with the multinational corporations owned by big business, the power elite in the world.
Secret agendas, disguise and concealment of the battle and the means of warfare characterize modern warfare. Examples include biological warfare, chemical warfare, weapons such as radioactive and other radiation (e.g. electrical radiation, HAARP, mobile phone, microwave, 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, etc.). Also think of mind manipulation and psychological warfare. Due to control of the mainstream media, disinformation, but also due to the worldwide degeneration of the people as a result of the vaccination policy that has been applied for several generations and other mass poisonings via food, air and water, but also due to massively prescribed medications, because of all this, a large part of the world population does not realize what the big picture looks like.
Moreover, we are dealing with a very complex world with an overkill of distraction and distraction (TV, recreation, entertainment, sports, sex, drugs and rock and roll) to which we as a culture have become addicted. Then there are increasing concerns about health and financial situation among many people, so that they hardly get around to developing an overall vision of what is going on. Finally, there are also people who sometimes knowingly, sometimes out of inability to cope with the situation, choose to bury their heads in the sand. It is quite understandable that there are only a few people left who are able to keep an overview and stay awake. But nevertheless, thanks to many whistleblowers, the 'elitist conspiracy' is becoming more and more widely known via the internet and its existence is supported by many proofs!
Also, everyone who is better informed via the internet is aware of the banking mafia, the secret services mafia, the Big Pharma mafia, the medical mafia, the food industry mafia and the worldwide corruption in church and state. On our Facebook page you will find numerous examples and updates that illustrate the above facts. The lecture below by Dane Wigington is a very good 'must see documentary' in the English language, to gain insight into yet another aspect of the vast psychopathic plans of the power elite to implement their New World Order, namely geo-engineering (e.g. related to chemtrails and climate control) So wake up and stay dear people because, the 3rd world war has been going on for a long time, without most of you noticing.
This war is being fought at the level of information on many major subjects, such as the real background of 9/11 and the financial and economic crisis. Information about the real background and intent of vaccinations, geoengineering, codex alimentarius, and other machinations of the antichrist that are all part of one master plan to gain total dominion over man and the world.
English introduction: This is one of those videos that is a shock to the system. Hats off to Dane Wigington for his work. Check him out on Facebook or YouTube
Please visit the site for more info, these guys know what they are talking about: Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our side !
More information:
See also on this website: CHEMTRAIL WATCH ZUTPHEN