- Details
- Category: News
- Published: Monday, 19 October 2020 21:25
- Hits: 2421
Try to tell someone that politicians and wealthy people are involved in organized rape of children, torture and human trafficking, and they are likely to shout "fake news"! Unfortunately, what happens to children and women is very real and vivid. Former sex slave Anneke Lucas describes how she was raped and tortured by elite wealthy aristocrats and politicians in a pedophile ring in Belgium. ( Note: think headquarters of the European Union. Also think of the connection with the current "Plandemic")
( video, English spoken with Dutch subtitles)
Dutch: Probeer iemand te vertellen dat politici en rijke mensen betrokken zijn bij georganiseerde verkrachting van kinderen, martelingen en mensenhandel, en ze zullen waarschijnlijk "fake news" roepen! Maar helaas is wat er met kinderen en vrouwen gebeurt heel reëel en levendig. Voormalig seksslavin Anneke Lucas beschrijft hoe ze werd verkracht en gemarteld door elite rijke aristocraten en politici in een pedofiele ring in België. (Opmerking: denk aan het hoofdkwartier van de EU. Denk ook na over de connectie met de huidige "Plandemie")
(video, Engels gesproken met Nederlandse ondertiteling)
Trafficking Survivor Jessa Dillow Crisp Reads a Letter to One of Her Buyers
In 2017, Jessa Dillow Crisp, a Colorado-based human trafficking survivor has come forward to reveal her horrifying, unimaginable story. In this new movie, Real Women Real Stories gets back to Jessa Dillow Crisp, as she writes an open letter to one of her buyers. Join her as she embraces her story and shares her process of entering into freedom from the memory of one who bought and brutally raped her. Jessa Dillow Crisp is the most resilient woman we know. Please share and stay tuned for more!
In Dutch: Kindermisbruik in Nederland