'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'
Welcome at the website of the Party for Love Governance in the Netherlands
Follow our daily news at our Telegram channel: https://t.me/s/partijvoordeliefde
- 1. The link between EMF, 5G, nanobots and covid vaccines
- (News)
- ... signed the EU 5G appeal, 259 scientists from 44 countries who signed the international EMF scientists appeal, 164 scientists and doctors and 95 non-governmental organizations who signed the EMF appeal. ...
- Created on 19 April 2024
- 2. Dangers of EMF / Gevaren Electromagnetische Straling
- (Videonews)
- "SOON it will happen to you, people need to know it's coming" Dangers of EMF's: 123456G, RADAR,WIFI, SMARTMETERS etc. We told you from the beginning:It's certain electromagnetic frequencies, that are ...
- Created on 30 November 2020
- 3. Beware of graphene oxide in anesthetics used by the dentist
- (News)
- ... is no virus - Graphene oxide in all covid vaccins react to EMF (3,4,5,6G ) and creates mini computers with a MAC address. We think it is the prototype of "THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST ¨ that the Bible is speaking ...
- Created on 01 July 2024
- (Videonews)
- ... is a military direct energy weapon | IONISING RADIATION SICKNESS SYMPTOMS: Cancer, strokes, heart attacks, blood clotting, sore throat, flu type symptoms, (recognise any of these symptoms?) | EMFs | RFsPolarised ...
- Created on 07 May 2023
- 5. Election-Fraud in The Netherlands 2023
- (News)
- ... The only party that is in favour of freedom and the preservation of our rights was deliberately sabotaged. Source: https://stopworldcontrol.com/nl/stemfraude/ Gedachtenvoer ...
- Created on 20 March 2023
- 6. 5G is a weapon used by the Military
- (News)
- Once more a dire warning for Humanity by David Icke SHARE IF YOU CARE ! The past decade we informed you about the dangers of Electro Magnetic Radiation. (EMR, EMF) These are other excellent ...
- Created on 21 December 2022
- 7. De Vijfde Colonne - La Quinta Columna - The Fifth Column
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- ? MUST SEE TO UNDERSTAND THE JABS ARE BIO-WEAPONS ACTIVATED BY EMF RADIATION La Quinta Columna continues to inform people with their investigations reaching deeper and deeper. Bio statistician Ricardo ...
- Created on 02 November 2022
- 8. Why bees are disappearing
- (Videonews)
- ... MarlaSpivak_2013G-480p-nl The Effect of Radiation on Bees The increase of EMF radiation in our environment is making it more hostile for bees and other species such as butterflies and birds to ...
- Created on 04 January 2022
- 9. Historische ontwikkeling van de Partij voor de Liefde
- (Articles & News in Dutch)
- ... antichrist” ( satan, lucifer & de gevallen engelen) noem. Deze internationale machtselite is tegenwoordig voortdurend in het nieuws vanwege onder andere, grootschalige wereldwijde politieke stemfraude ...
- Created on 05 July 2021
- 10. Waarom het geen virus is, maar 5G
- (Videonews)
- De NWO depopulatie Agenda Roeland Solcer de oprichter van de Partij voor de Liefde in 2006, heeft sinds het begin van deze "Plandemie" gezegd dat Corona veroorzaakt wordt door EMF en in het bijzonder ...
- Created on 19 April 2021
- 11. Planet X Update
- (News)
- ... alternative medicine, the NWO, chemtrails, EMF & 5G, politics, spirituality and much much more. What FB and other platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and Google are doing is the modern version of medieval ...
- Created on 17 February 2021
- 12. More proof the "Plandemic"is a False Flag Operati
- (News)
- ... en fictief was. De griep heette Covid en de meeste van de 225.000 doden waren dood door comorbiditeiten zoals hartaandoeningen, kanker, diabetes, emfyseem enz. En ze kregen toen de griep die hun immuunsysteem ...
- Created on 30 December 2020
- (News)
- ... covid verhaal in duigen en kunnen ze zich concentreren op het verband met EMF's zoals 12345 en straks 6G.. en kunnen de boeven wereldwijd worden berecht. ? Roeland Solcer Zie elders op deze website ...
- Created on 30 November 2020
- 14. "Are viruses contagious" - Zijn virussen besmettelijk
- (News)
- ... industriele belangen die het betreft. In feite bestaan er alleen interne exosomen die ook wel interne virussen worden genoemd. In een tweede deel wordt verder ingegaan op de invloed van EMF straling (o.a. ...
- Created on 11 October 2020
- 15. VN-medewerker: 5G catastrofaal voor al het leven op aarde
- (Videonews)
- De Partij voor de Liefde heeft in verschillende bijdragen op deze website gewezen op de relatie tussen de "Corona Plandemie" en de uitrol van EMFś in het kader van mobiele telefonie netwerken WIFI en ...
- Created on 10 October 2020
- 16. 80% of fruits and vegetables tested positive for Covid 19
- (Videonews)
- ... Exosomes (viruses) are produced in the body as a result of toxines in vaccins, food water, air ( such as Chemtrails) and EMF's (electrosmog from 1,2,3,4 and 5G, radio and radar) Exosomes are not contagious ...
- Created on 29 September 2020
- 17. Een virus ontwikkelt zich in het lichaam en is niet besmettelijk
- (News)
- ... of verzuring in ons lichaam: Toxinen uit Chemtrails, EMF (1,2,3,4 en 5G radio, tv, radar), vaccinaties, vergiftigd voedsel, water en lucht), ANGST en STRESS Zie ook de onderstaande video en de verwijzingen ...
- Created on 12 August 2020
- 18. The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup
- (News)
- ... (DEW) are behind the fall of the Twin Towers on 9/11 and the fake Californian ‘wildfires’. Symptoms of EMF microwave illness. Credit: MicrowavedVets.com Numerous scientists have warned of the ...
- Created on 18 June 2020
- 19. Dr. Martin Pall explains the enormous health risks of 5G technology
- (News)
- ... and in particular of 5G (video in English with Dutch subs) Een diepgaand en onthullend Nederlands ondertiteld interview met een top wetenschapper over de grote gevaren voor de gezondheid van EMF straling( ...
- Created on 02 January 2020
- (News)
- ... Appeal aan WHO en UN door 221 verontruste wetenschappers in 2015: http://www.iemfa.org/ Deze politieke resolutie uit 2011 met aanbevelingen op grond van de toenmalige wetenschappelijke bewijslast. ...
- Created on 09 September 2019