'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'

Welcome at the website of the Party for Love Governance in the Netherlands

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Display # 
Title Published Date Hits
WWG1WGA 15 April 2023 1690
What does the Party for Love Governance want ? 18 January 2023 1813
The Mystery of Love 31 March 2014 7889
Paying for ammunition that might be used against you? 21 March 2013 9018
Corruption is one of the greatest threats to democracy 26 January 2013 10864
Ron Paul: Fiat Money Is NOT Wealth 22 January 2013 6616
Ring of Power 04 January 2013 12852
Revealed: Hitler in Argentina (video) 01 January 2013 6963
Update on West Papua December 2012 17 December 2012 5738
The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination 11 December 2012 6683

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