'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'

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Article Index


Part 16: The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind Chem-trails and Electro-smog. By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Extinction tool number 8 on our list: Chem-trails. After years of denial and ridicule, it is finally admitted to exist by our governments. Heavy metals are raining down on us, our bodies store them in our brains where they cause havoc. Number 9 on our list: Electro-smog. Every day we are bombarded with the invisible electromagnetic radiation from the use of wireless technology and mains electricity. Plus the ever-increasing 5G… do you dare to find out what..



Part 17: The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind vaccines.   By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Last but not least: Extinction tool number 10 on our list: Vaccinations. One of our most chilling episodes is about the dangers of vaccinations. Not based on theories or beliefs, but on rock hard scientific facts. We promise you, once you’ve seen this episode, once you know what ingredients are in those shots, you’ll never take another jab in your life! This part 17 has been called by thousands of viewers world-wide “a life saviorCOVID-19”…


Part 18: Covid-19: The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Covid-19 and 5G: the ultimate Cabal weapons of mass destruction. However, did you know that the SARS-CoV2 virus has never been isolated and thus never proven to exist? According to the scientific facts, Covid-19 is just another flu. So how come the entire world shut down? What was so different this time, compared with other flu seasons? It sure wasn’t the number of casualties! Even the CDC and the WHO have admitted that more people died of the 2018 flu than of this one. So what happened? Everything was premeditated, maybe that’s the saddest and scariest thing of all. Let’s take a look at the role of the MSM, of Bill Gates and the WHO, and see why this one got so out of hand…



Part 19: Covid 19 The Midazolam Murders

The Covid Scam started with social distancing and face masks. Based on scientific fraud, people were led to believe the horrific predictions of incompetent advisors to the government. Millions of people were to die if we didn’t obey! And so… the people obeyed. Families were torn apart, societies were split. Everything that gave joy – singing, dancing, hugging, laughing – was prohibited. Instead, fear ruled the planet and turned it into a dark place. Midazolam and morphine was used to purposefully euthanise many thousands of elderly people in care homes. Hold on to your seat as we prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our world leaders arranged all of this during the lockdowns, so nobody would notice. Hard to believe? Then follow us… to part 19!




Part 20:  Covid-19: Part 3 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all time. About Face Masks, Social Distancing, and much more...

Our political leaders stated it in front of the cameras: the lock-downs, face masks, social distancing, compulsive hand washing, even the police fines… it was all just a behavioural experiment. They said it, but no one seemed to hear. Fear had taken over people’s minds, and so, logical thinking was no longer an option. The majority of the people the Cabal so look down upon, complied with the ridiculous, contradictory rules that kept getting weirder and weirder. How easy was it to terrify and suppress the people, to take all their freedoms away, one by one so they wouldn’t notice it? It turned out to be very, very easy. Fear kept people submissive and right where they belonged: bent and about to break under the oppression by the Cabal…



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