'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'

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Article Index


Part 21: The untold truth about nose swabs

In this episode we show you the great dangers of the Nose Swab that transmit carcinogenic ethylene oxide, nano-particles called Morgellons, and DARPA Hydrogel containing nano-bots called Theragrippers that – in all probability – contain the ‘vaccine’. The fibre nose swabs cause havoc inside your head, where they may damage facial and olfactory nerves. When they pass through your blood-brain barrier, the door is open for viruses and bacteria to attack your brains. Were you told about these risks before you complied to these nose swabs? Were you told they may cause eye-bleeds and even brain-bleeds? And what about the PCR test? A marvellous invention, totally abused to pump up the Covid-19 numbers and to further surround this ‘Pandemic’ with lies, fraud, scandals, and deceit.



Part 22: Covid-19: Part 5 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all time.
About MONEY & MURDER IN HOSPITALS... Welcome to one of our most shocking episodes, in which we show you evidence of the deliberate euthanisation of healthy people in hospitals across the world. The motive? Money… huge amounts of ‘Covid incentives’. The murder weapon? A combination of the nose swab, too many PCR cycles and thus false positives, the improper use of ventilators, and an overdose of tranquillisers and narcotics. If you want to stay safe, this episode is a must-see! Albeit shocking, the information is vital and may one day save your life or that of a loved one…



Part 23: Covid-19: Part 6 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all time.
Health Care Worker Whistleblowers about Money & Murder in Hospitals...



Part 24: Covid-19: Mandatory Vaccinations? Time for Action!

What can you do to beat the 1%? Enjoy this proactive episode in which we show you the true effect of mass demonstrations, signed petitions, and setting up groups of warriors who are not afraid to write or call those who do not serve the best interest of the 99%. The outcome of the above-mentioned methods of action may surprise you! Furthermore, we will show you why Ivermectine and HCQ had to be made illegal. That was the only way to push the mandatory vaccination narrative into effect. How? Why? What’s the connection between the Nuremberg Code and Article 32 of the 4th Geneva Convention? Why is this of vital importance to know? Watch this episode several times, so you know what to say when confronted with mandatory hospitalization, lethal hospital procedures and/or mandatory vaccinations!


Part 25: Covid -19 Torture Program 

Covid-19 was not a killer virus. The MSM was the real virus. When the CDC, NHS, and other ‘health care’ organizations did a recount of the number of deaths truly connected to Covid-19, it turned out to be nothing more than a mild flu. How did the authorities brainwash people into believing their lies? By means of an effective torture program, as confirmed by Amnesty International and others. Eight ways to effectively torture people into obedience had been let loose on the population. Most people succumbed. Don’t miss this episode in order to understand how the human mind works and how it could ever get to this point.

Part 25: this is the eighth episode of COVID-19, the biggest medical scam of all time.
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter



Part 26: Wrapping up Genocide

The Cabal’s torture strategy had worked brilliantly. People had become lethargic and simply failed to notice the insane number of cases of thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, strokes, serious heart problems, and miscarriages. People dropped dead live on TV, but all that was taken in was the ever repeating slogan: “The COVID vaccines are safe and effective…” In reality, the COVID vaccines contained a deadly poison, killing some people immediately, others within weeks or months. The combination of graphene, spike proteins, and nanobots has been perfectly adjusted to kill millions of people, as confirmed by international tenders, alarming VAERS predictions, and the Liquefying “Bio-Sludge” Bill, legalizing the spreading of human remains over crops as fertilizer.
In this final episode about the COVID tragedy, we wrap up what will be referred to (in future times) as the most heinous genocide in the history of mankind. Can mankind be saved? Of course! But first, let’s take a look at the shocking facts as presented in this final COVID episode...



Part 27: The World Economic Forum – The End of Homo Sapiens

Time to meet the WEF, the biggest and most dangerous political NGO in the world. See how they infiltrated every aspect of society, putting their puppets in high places, brainwashing them with their training programs, and making sure the WEF’s wicked goals are implemented on a global scale. Their goals? The same as always: world dominance, a New World Order, depopulation of the masses, and the utter submission of the remaining useless eaters.
Can we prove this? Of course, we can, and we do so in this episode. Watch how the officials of the WEF, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, confirm in their very own words the horror picture that we present to you just before we let them talk. Had we not let them say it, you would’ve never believed us. Do you want to know what kind of future they have in mind for us in the very short term? Then watch this episode!



Part 28: The World Economic Forum – The End of Homo Sapiens

Time to meet the WEF, the biggest and most dangerous political NGO in the world. See how they infiltrated every aspect of society, putting their puppets in high places, brainwashing them with their training programs, and making sure the WEF’s wicked goals are implemented on a global scale. Their goals? The same as always: world dominance, a New World Order, depopulation of the masses, and the utter submission of the remaining useless eaters.
Can we prove this? Of course, we can, and we do so in this episode. Watch how the officials of the WEF, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, confirm in their very own words the horror picture that we present to you just before we let them talk. Had we not let them say it, you would’ve never believed us. Do you want to know what kind of future they have in mind for us in the very short term? Then watch this episode!




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